Quantum Matter
Complex quantum systems deal with the emergent properties of systems made of many individual quantum constituents. Typical research problems are at the interface of quantum information science, condensed matter physics and computational physics. Examples include topological quantum order, frustrated quantum antiferromagnets, quantum dissipation, quantum transport, many-body localization, lattice gauge theories, holographic entanglement, new numerical simulation methods, the connection to artificial intelligence, and possible connections of all these topics to experiments.
Quantum Computing
Originally proposed in the 80’s as a theoretical framework, we are now starting to have the first quantum processors available on the cloud, based on a variety of technologies (superconducting, trapped ions, neutral atoms, photonic, solid-state…). These first prototypes, despite being yet noisy and of intermediate-scale (NISQ), start to show promise in specific applications such as optimization and machine learning. The development of useful algorithms for these machines is of utmost importance.
Tensor Networks
By studying quantum entanglement in interesting states of matter, people have found that this obeys a particular structure known as tensor network. Originally developed in the context of condensed matter physics and based on renormalization group ideas, tensor networks lived a revival thanks to quantum information theory, and have allows to understand many analytical properties of complex systems as well as to develop new numerical simulation methods. Moreover, they turn out to play a key role in other scientific disciplines, such as quantum gravity and artificial intelligence.
Exotic Explorations
As a matter of fact, I also like trying crazy ideas and going to forbidden talks. As an example, I am interested in the physics of language, having collaborated with linguists on the connections between human language, renormalization, and quantum mechanics. I am also interested in sociophysics, having modelled human behavior to predict financial crashes and to forecast elections. I also have fun reading about many other things such as quantum gravity, particle physics, neuroscience, and complex mathematics. The most original ideas always come from unexpected crossovers.